Our Why

In 2022, I accepted a role with a company that talked positively about being acquired. They explained how much growth and opportunity they had to offer, and that my role was "secure". Shortly after starting the role, I was informed that the company who hired me and the company that acquired the company that hired me were merging. Less than two months into my role, I received the dreaded random, mid-day meeting, informing me that my role has been eliminated.

This company pulled the rug from under me and left me struggling to find stability in the job market. Fast-forward to today, I still have not found stability in the job market. In fact, it’s arguably worse now. While I was not able to find stability in the job market, I’ve been able to find stability in the job hunt.

Introducing, Seeking New Role. This concept was discovered while meeting with a friend for lunch in downtown DC. While waiting in Starbucks, I noticed so many people grabbing coffee and snacks in business attire. If there was only some way I could let them know that I am currently seeking a new role (and the general focus), maybe someone can refer me to someone, give me the opportunity to interview directly, or at least have a conversation with me. The light bulb turned on. I’m going to wear my intentions on my shirt and let the world know I am Seeking a New Role.